When providing vehicle service contracts or other F&I products to your customers, it’s important that you know whether you’re offering a “dealer obligor” or “third party/ administrator obligor” service contract program. While the actual mechanics of the program will be somewhat similar, your dealership will bear the responsibility for all of the obligations to the consumer under a dealer obligor program, including financial responsibility for the payment of claims. With an Admin Obligor contract, you’re transferring your obligations to a third party.

Dealer Protection Group (DPG) offers Admin Obligor service contracts from a reputable, stable service provider that has an impeccable track record for payment of claims. We understand that effective claims handling helps to keep your customers satisfied and fosters loyalty.

Ensure the overall success of your program.
Protect yourself from unforeseen liability with an Admin Obligor service contract. Give us a call at 949.208.8550.